Rituals and Spells

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Rituals are on this earth since the beginning of our culture. Every tribe or kingdom had its own practices and rituals, which had brought people clan-ship and the belief in higher powers. A ritual is personal act, which causes that one’s will reach his/her goal. But it is not just matter of one’s will. The ritual means that one trust the higher powers and is able to bring a sacrifice. Only real trust in oneself can bring desired result. Simple writing of problems on a paper, burning the paper and burying it in the garden can also be a powerful ritual. There is no god or bad ritual, no right or false method. The success depends on one’s self-trust and trust in life, God or love.


If a mage wants to realise some wish, first of all he would visualize, imagine it in all details. The magic springs from the knowledge that the powers of nature have impact on people, their feelings, thoughts and their body. This is the reason why is important right time for doing some kind of ritual. Strong will is also important, together with magic tools used during the ritual.

The success of ritual depends on mage’s personal level of evolution, not from ritual itself! A miracles or supernatural things don’t exist. This view comes from people who don’t understand happenings and things around them and who are not able to understand them.


There are many ways and possibilities how magic can help. Magic helps for example to find new job, to support the healing of body or mind, to reach useful and good wishes and dreams, to create a second change for your love. The magic is universal and neutral power, which basically works everywhere in the same way. There are three areas of magic, which are performed most frequently: Love magic, Money & Success magic and Protective magic. In order to perform successful magic, one has to take into consideration analogies. So, before you start your ritual, make sure you are using proper things in proper time and call the proper deities.

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What is necessary to do before beginning of the ritual.

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Before a Mage starts with a ritual, s/he has to understand the problem, which needs to be solved, in a complex way. There is of course the perspective of a client, the first feeling and perspective of a mage, but this is not enough. It is essential to see the things in wider perspective. It means that first of all, Magician has to find out the source of the problem and this knowledge is basis for the decision, what type of ritual would be the best suited for the situation, and what kind of solution would be the best.


The personal conversations with a client help the mage to understand problem in detail. The problem is always connected with the inner barrier of the client. For the problem solving is necessary to know the client better. The Mage of course won’t work only with what is said. As the next step, the mage gains the information by asking an oracle, making an astral trip or looking for answers in deep meditation.


Astral trip is one of the first things. Mage can understand and see there the source of things and problems very clearly. At the same time s/he experiences, why are things going certain direction. If somebody is not able to make astral trip yet, he can use an oracle.

Recommendation: I- Ging- Book of Changes, Runes and Tarot cards. Mage has to work with these omens very attentively- that means, that every rune, tarot card and I-ging would be in his/her attention so long, till the inner connection is made and deeper meaning is understood. Till omens speak to the mage.


Only when mage is sure about the source and essence of the problem, s/he chooses the ritual, deity and procedure. Only then, the phase of ritual preparation starts.


you should start with runes. It is good to manufacture them alone. First step is to make connection with every rune; it means to put one drop of blood on every rune and to meditate every day with one rune till the rune speaks to its master. Exact meaning of each symbol can be found in books about runes.



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Magic circle: every time at the beginning and end of the ritual!

At the beginning of every ritual is essential to make a magical circle. It doesn’t matter if it is ritual for money magic, love magic or protective magic. In order to do it properly, first of all, one has to find out the exact positions of all four directions. If you are not sure, use compass. Start every ritual with making a circle around you with your full concentration. Visualise strongly that you are in the middle of golden ball or ball of pure light. This ball is impenetrable for all immaterial beings, ghosts! You can mark the circle also physically with candles, chalk, salt or stones. This will help you to make it even stronger.


At the beginning, make a magic circle in clockwise direction. Then concentrate on purification of the inner space of the circle. Start facing the east direction, visualise the colour of that direction, call the proper archangel and say certain God’s names:


1. East– element: air, angel: Raphael, yellow colour, God: JHVH, EXARP

2. South– element: fire, angel: Michael, red colour, God: Elohim, BITOM

3. West– element: water, angel: Gabriel, blue colour. God: EI, HCOMA.

4. North– element: earth, angel: Uriel, green colour, God: Adonaj, NANTA.Then, perform the chosen ritual for attracting of love, success or protection. When the ritual is over, thank all good entities for their help and say farewell to all archangels.


At the end perform cancelation ritual: undo the circle in counter clockwise direction.

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Sacred spiritual beings

Archangels are high spiritual beings /or energies/. They participate on the creation of the universe. There are endless number of different angels. Every angel belongs to some group, or hierarchy of angels with the similar frequency, type or character.


Archangels don’t work only in the “outer” world. They work also in our bodies: material bodies, but also other subtle energy bodies. For performing proper rituals, creating magic circles, it is essential to know them well and to be able to visualize them and know their essence and powers. Your connection with them will be stronger, if you are inside pure and you call them with love in your heart.

Four Archangels

Archangel Michael

Archangel Gabriel

Michael is a name of the position in the angelic hierarchy. The vocals Ma-Ha-EL mean “Powerful God” or one, who is like God. In sanskrit “Maha” means powerful and “EL” means God. The same applies for ancient Egypt and Judaism. Archangel Michael is the being of light and fire. The colour of his light is red. In order to call him, you can use his red sigil.

The second powerful archangel is Gabriel,. In the language of ancient egypt, his name was pronounced as follows: Kha, or also Kha-Vir-El. Kha means desire, feeling and express love. “Bir” or “Vir” is related to the element of water. The colour of Gabriel’s light is sky-blue in many different shades. He rules the water and all liquids. Archangel Gabriel is the servant of the whole kingdom of psychical world. In order to call him, you can use his blue sigil.

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Uriel

The third significant archangel is Raphael. In the ancient Egypt, Ra means the Sun and Pha represents the word for frequency/vibration. So, the meaning of Ra-Pha-El is Sun – vibration – God. He is the archangel of energy. Archangel Raphael, as the pure energy is violet. Violet is the mixture of red (Michael) and blue (Gabriel). It is natural, that his task is to create the communication platform between Michael and Gabriel. The whole planet is his domain, because he rules the electromagnetic forces. In magic, the colour of communication and air is yellow. In order to call him, you can use this yellow sigil.

Archangel Uriel, coordinates the work of all other angels inside the human body. In Egypt, they called him Ur-Ra-El. Ur means universe, Ra is the word for the Sun. Together is means Universe – Sun – God. Archangel Uriel balance the universal laws within every human beings. He maintains the harmony of all substances. His colour of light is silver-white in all shades. In magic, he represents earth, which colour is green. In order to call him, you can use this green sigil.

There is one more angel, which influences human beings. His name is Samael. He is not archangel, he is the angel of the matter. He represents Lucifer, the archangel of light and the ruler of duality. Samael, gives us (with cooperation with other archangels) matter for our bones, flash and organs. Michael gives us physical heat and blood. Gabriel takes care of the body liquids. Raphael gives us vitality and maintains good health. This process happens especially during the sleep. Archangels restore in our bodies harmony and health.

White Magic – Laws

The Law of Attraction (resonance)

The word resonance comes from Latin “sound back”. What we send out comes back to us. Or in the other words, your surrounding is a reflection of yourself. We attract into our world people, situations and things which we resonate with, ones that we vibrate on the same frequency. Our environment always shows what we radiate. If someone is aggressive and full of hate, the surrounding will respond the same, one will barely receive love. The cheaters will be cheated upon. Someone who is worrisome will always be confronted by his/ hers fears. Anyone who lives full of love and joy attracts situations that bring him happiness and love.

If somebody has a musical instrument like guitar, he knows this law quite well. If you play a tune on other instrument and this tune is the same on your guitar, the guitar’s string would resonate.


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The Law of Karma

Karma is a Sanskrit word and it means action but it also means that which is cause and effect. Every process is a summary of action and reaction, which means that energy we send brings us causes since energy never dies. What we send, come to us back. If we hit the wall, the wall will affect our hand in opposite direction. So, we can say: if we do good deeds, for example we give money to somebody, this money will come back to us! It doesn’t mean that they would come from the same person. The fate will decide of its own, when and how it will be. If we safe life to somebody, somebody else will safe our life, too.

From the karmic view, everything what happens in the world makes sense and is logical. Which means that every thought, every emotion and all the actions are indelible and they will return to us like a boomerang. All the bad life experiences are not the punishment from god but serve us as part of our journey to an enlightenment and self-realization through our experiences and knowledge. The law of karma teaches us to always confront the same problem until it’s resolved. This law also demands from us awesome responsibility for our fate.

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